Nacido en Bilbao y afincado en el sur de Andalucía. Mi primer contacto con la escultura fue en 1998 realizando un curso de cerámica en el Cabo de Gata, Almería.
En 1999 presento una obra a concurso en Coria del Río, Sevilla. A partir de ese momento es cuando decido volcarme de manera mas profesional en desarrollar y ampliar mis conocimientos en escultura experimentando e investigando con materiales como el barro y el hierro.
Mediante las formas, sombras y ausencia de materia interpreto la realidad de mi entorno. Combino con el arte plástico mi otra vocación artística como músico baterísta.
Born in Bilbao and later settled in the south of Andalusia. My first contact with sculpture was in 1998 when I went on a ceramic course in Almeria. This showed me a new world and I began to develop my artistic restlessness working with pottery.
In 1999 I presented a piece to a competition in Coria del Rio, (Seville).
From this moment on I decided to advance in a more professional way by developing and expanding my knowledge in sculpture in a totally self-taught manner, experimenting and exploring materials that I found around me, such as clay and iron, creating volumes and shaping spaces.
Through the forms, shadows and absences of matter, I express feelings, thoughts and the perception of the reality of my environment.
I also combine my plastic art with my other creative vocation, as a drummer.